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LM8361 Datasheet

You can read the Japanese Datasheet of this IC by the following procedure. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your system to read a datasheet. (English Data sheet isn't uploaded on Jan. 7, 2001)

  1. Type "http://www.semic.sanyo.co.jp/index_e.htm" in the URL/Location Box of your browser.

  2. "Sanyo Semiconductor" Top Page is opened.  (Ref. Fig.1)

sanyo_a.gif (42545 バイト)

Fig.1 Top Page

  1. Move Cursor to "PRODUCT" TAB which is at the lower position of this frame.
    Then "data sheet" box is appeared. (Ref. Fig.1)

  2. Click "data sheet" box. (Ref. Fig.1)

  3. New page is opened. "OK" is displayed to the end of this frame.
    Click this "OK". (Ref. Fig.2)

sanyo_b.gif (29897 バイト)


  1. The "data sheet" frame is opened at the left side. (Ref. Fig.3)

sanyo_c.gif (63008 バイト)


  1. Type "LM8361" in the "Type Num.(keyword location) " Box. (Ref. Fig.3)

  2. Click "SEARCH" button. (Ref. Fig.3)

  3. The result frame is displayed at the right side. (Ref. Fig.4)

lm8361_2.gif (48403 バイト)


  1. If you want to read the Japanese datasheet, Click "736B". (Ref. Fig.4)

  2. The "736B" has the link. But, this URL isn't the correct link. So, you will not find the datasheet.  (Ref. Fig.5)

lm8361_3.gif (46308 バイト)

Fig.5 (e.g. Japanese message.)

  1. I fount the correct URL(Address). Try to type the following URL in you Location( or URL or Address) box of your browser.  (Ref. Fig.6)



lm8361_4.gif (62292 バイト)


  1. You will find the Japanese datasheet of LM8361.  (Ref. Fig.7)

lm8361_5.gif (48497 バイト)


If you want the English datasheet of this LSI for your personal use(e.g. hobby), Please mail to me.
( In case of business use, I can not help you. )


  Return to English main page.

© 1997-2017 Atsushi Itou , JH4CBA , CBA

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